COVID-19 Policies
Our COVID-19 policies follow the NH State Guidelines for child care centers and will change as needed to remain compliant with these guidelines.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, any one visiting the center is required to wear a mask. The temperature of each child is taken before entering the classroom, and basic screening questions and symptoms of illness are monitored. Anyone who presents new symptoms of COVID-19, has recently been exposed to COVID-19, or reports travel-related risk factors is asked to remain home.

Health Forms + Immunizations
Each child at the Children’s Center must have a completed Child Health Form, signed by a physician, upon enrollment. The New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services recommends a regular schedule of immunizations for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 6 years.
New Hampshire law He-P 301.13-15 requires that all children enrolled in any school, pre-school, or child care have certain immunizations to protect them and those around them from vaccine preventable diseases. In addition, schools and child care providers must collect and review the immunization records of enrolled children and submit an annual immunization report to the DHHS (RSA 141-C:20-e).
Illness Policies
Children who arrive at school noticeably ill, or with a rash or fever, will not be admitted. Should a child become ill during the day, the parent will be notified. If you know ahead of time that you will not be at home or at work, please provide us with a phone number where you can be reached.
For a complete list of symptoms and diseases that may interfere with your child’s ability to receive care, please consult our Family Handbook.

State regulations require that if your child requires prescription or non-prescription medication, you must fill out and provide a Medication Permission Form, and note all special instructions. You must hand the medication to the teacher so that it can be locked up in your child’s classroom. Classroom staff will maintain a record for all medications administered.
Please note that medications must be in their original container and clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Questions or Concerns?
Speak with us directly about our health and safety procedures, or visit us for a tour.