The young toddler classroom is for children 12 months to 24 months of age. This classroom is designed for open learning and social discovery through play.
Classroom Style: This classroom offers separate learning areas, such as dramatic play, quiet corner and a block area, in which the children can freely choose from various activities, so they can express and direct their own interests. There is plenty of space for playing, napping, eating and changing diapers.
Activities & Play: Young toddlers participate in a lot of fine motor and sensory activities in this classroom, along with songs, fingerplays, and dancing throughout the day. There is an outside playground for the children to explore nature and get fresh air as well.
A daily log of the child’s progress is maintained.
Tiny Turtles
Our older toddler classroom is for children 2-3 years of age. The focus of this classroom is to provide these toddlers with the tools for success with self-help skills, and independence.
Classroom Style: This classroom provides older toddlers with plenty of opportunities to explore in a safe, clean and nurturing environment. The design in the classroom is to allow the children to participate freely in organized areas of interest, such as dramatic play, quiet corner, and block area. Our classrooms have a large space for playing, napping, eating and toileting.
Activities & Play: Older toddlers participate daily in different kinds of sensory play and activities supporting all stages of development. The children also have access to materials that promote gross motor skills, to engage these children in body movement. There are four large playgrounds to promote active play and nature exploration.
Potty Training: We are very open and supportive of parent/teacher communication in the transition stages of potty training for the child to be successful.
A daily log of the child’s progress is maintained.